Fafsa On The Worksheet out dependencyDependency status determines whose information you report on the FAFSA form If you re a dependent student report your and your parents information Fafsa On The Worksheet edvisors FAFSA Facts FAFSA Forms and Filing TipsIf you find it easier to complete your FAFSA on paper instead of online download a printable version of the FAFSA form available in English and Spanish
2 TAX FILING STATUS AND REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION Select the student federal tax filing status All students must complete this section Select ONE I did not work in 2016 I did not and will not file a 2016 federal tax return Fafsa On The Worksheet wmich edu finaid pdf 1819 dep house ver VDH pdfVDH 2018 19 DEPENDENT HOUSEHOLD VERIFICATION WORKSHEET Your application was selected for review in a process called Veri cation WMU will verify information from your Student Aid aid fafsa Verification Worksheet The Verification Worksheet will help verify the number of people in your independent students or your parent s dependent students household and the number in of members in the household that are attending college at least half time in a degree seeking program The worksheet will also help to determine what documentation is needed to confirm income information
finaid calculators quickefc phtmlThis form is used to prepare an approximation of the Expected Family Contribution EFC The results are only an approximation of the Federal EFC figure that is calculated when you file the FAFSA form This calculator omits those input variables that have a relatively minimal impact on the EFC results substituting average values Fafsa On The Worksheet aid fafsa Verification Worksheet The Verification Worksheet will help verify the number of people in your independent students or your parent s dependent students household and the number in of members in the household that are attending college at least half time in a degree seeking program The worksheet will also help to determine what documentation is needed to confirm income information Demonstration Site A demonstration site is available so you can increase your own understanding of fafsa gov and show it to students before they apply At the demo site you can complete a sample FAFSA form make corrections or check the status of the application
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